What is this?

It’s a one-year project where I’m committing to sharing one art piece a week to make me rediscover the joy of creating. If you subscribe you’ll get an email once a week where I’ll share a drawing, possible light profanity, and random musings about what is inspiring me and how I’m keeping motivated. You can subscribe for free to access one post a month or be a paid subscriber to access one a week. Or don’t subscribe at all but just bookmark the page to check it out from time to time.

Come join me as we spend one year trying to do something beautiful/terrible even though we maybe aren't very good at it. Or just watch me struggle and feel better about yourself by comparison.

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If you think you’re too weird for this community this is a sign you are 100% in the right place. Welcome, friend.

Subscribe to Jenny’s Substack - Let's art together

Join me as I share a drawing a week for one year in an attempt to rekindle the joy of creating. Includes random musings on inspiration, motivation and how to keep pouring from your creative cup even when it feels like there's a hole in it.


Professional weirdo. Author of Let's Pretend This Never Happened, Furiously Happy, YOU ARE HERE, and Broken (in the best possible way.) Bloggess. Proprietress of Nowhere Bookshop.