This week I started a drawing that was all vines and flowers and it was fine, but a little boring and so I decided to add Hunter S. Thomcat to it because he’s always trying to add himself to drawings anyway. Exhibit A:
And it was a very good idea in theory but somehow it turned…weird? And I kept trying to fix it and it kept getting worse and I would like this to be one of those stories that ends with, “AND EMBRACING THE FLAWS MADE IT EVEN BETTER” but that did not happen because, well…look:
Why does he look vaguely human?
Anyway, I gave up and started another drawing but I’m not finished with it yet and I was feeling a little disappointed in my myself until I saw this collection of medieval cat paintings:
Turns out cats have been fucking up art for centuries because they are enigmatic and mysterious:
And comparatively, my cat drawing became slightly less unnerving.
It important to remember…they’re not all going to be winners.
Or…you know…always make sense?
But since I don’t have a finished drawing I do have this for you…a drawing a did awhile ago that I added color to before I realized that I’m actually not that great at color combinations.
It’s no medieval cat eating a dismembered penis, but then again…what is?
Hugs, sweet friends.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around medieval cat with penis and i cannot 😳
Whenever I look at those illuminated scripts where there's a cat, I imagine it's there because the scribe loves cats and was thinking "this needs Mr. Meowmeow" and then I imagine the little noises he makes while drawing it. "awwwww there he is, now lets add your little pawpaws. he's a fierce baby, isn't he. mrrrrwwwwarw." and it makes them so much better.