Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I like that idea too! Like those pet adoption days where you all come hangput and meet the animals. Instead, it's a tiny art gallery where at the end you adopt a little art.

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Sign me up for another year please. Can't draw or paint, but I can support you in your need and that to me is a worthwhile endeavor. I love you, I found you when I was going through a Suicide attempt, and I don't want you to go back to the black hole of the soul ever again.

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I'm so glad you're here.

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My twin used to go in the Black Room all the time.

Each time, I was terrified I wouldn't get him back.

Now, instead of feeling helpless, I call 988.

Even though he's the one feeling suicidal (and won't call), I get insight talking to some compassionate stranger.

Invevitably, I then know how to talk my twin back out of the Black Room.


(USA. Don't know the equivalent elsewhere. Chime in, please!)

988 is SUCH a fantastic resource. Don't wait till someone's out on the ledge.

I call the moment I feel him slipping into the Black Room.

They help me get centered and ready to talk to him to bring him back.

Fantastic resource!

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I was painting postcards for friends for a little while & then started making laminated water colored book marks instead. It was so fun. I miss it.

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Ooo bookmarks could be genius! Especially for an art show the book shop.

But I also love the idea of making your own post cards

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I also love the idea of bookmarks!

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It was fun! I am now working on writing out a recipe for a friend and was thinking that maybe JUST MAYBE I am talented enough to paint a rough water color of the dish.

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Go for it!

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I love the idea of art going both ways and I'd love to doodle something and send it out into the world. I don't have suggestions of how to do that safely and easily, but I have faith in other smart people on the internet having good ideas.

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

As long as you are drawing and posting, I’m printing and coloring. This has helped me so much, especially over the last couple of months when this Covid wave got me. 💜

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

A most beautiful and wonderful idea … yes please. And I’m so glad you are staying as I’ve only just found you … 🥰

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I think that sounds like a beautiful idea! I have made life long (pen)friends from your original post. I silently thank you every time I receive a letter because their friendships are bursts of sunshine for my brain!

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This. Me too.

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I'm an unskilled artist (trying to stay away from saying terrible) and I adore receiving proper mail. So I'm in!

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

The end of the year art show featuring The Weirdest & Most Wonderful Art Of The Internet ™️ is a cool cool idea.

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Count me in

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Oh hooray!!!! Your letter and drawings are funny and beautiful and weird and soulful and they help me so much. I love the art exchange and gallery idea -- I'm in! Do it!!

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I loved the card exchange. I received several and sent several. Sending bookmark art or postcards or something sounds wonderful.

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I’m so glad you’re staying! I look forward to these posts so much. I would totally participate in tiny art sharing however you set it up.

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Oh my gosh! What a wonderful idea…that sharing of ourselves. We ALLL need connection to each other and I would love to be able to do that and stay connected to you in the meantime. I’m no artist, but the thought of sharing just a tiny piece of my thought through a doodle or even through words is just so enticing. Let us know if this is a definitely do-able.

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I’d love to do this. Cool idea!

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Aug 26Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Wonderful idea. I'm up for it!

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