Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I'm glad you're going to keep doing this. I am a free subscriber so I don't know if I will ever qualify for randomly sent art, but I love what you do over here.

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Yay! I’m so glad you’re continuing this. I have barometer fingers too. And sometimes barometer knees. 🫠😆

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

With my PsA joints, I get it right before a heat wave, which is happening now in SoCal. Couldn't tell you what hurts more, the thumb joints that need replacing, the knee caps that need replacing, or the hips that, well, you get the picture. The hand you drew is so so accurate!

Glad the flood missed your shop! I would have been on a plane straight away to help clean up!

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Pick me pick me!

I love your art.

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I love this! It's a beautiful idea and I'm glad you're extending it 🌻💜

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I am SO glad you're doing another year! I look forward to these and they help me get through those tough days with depression and scratch myself anxiety. You so totally rock and I appreciate you!!!

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I laughed so hard at your sketch of arthritis flare versus arthritis flair that I may have gone into cervical arthritis flare, but it was worth it! 😆💜

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

SQUEEEE! Now I have a REASON, and actual real REASON to buy a bunch of those super cute twee little Artist trading cards!

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Oh my god. I was in so much pain last week, seemingly for no reason. MUSCLES as well as joints hurt! And then it dawned on me that we were in barometric low pressure because it was going to rain. Didn't make ANYthing feel better, but at least I understood why, finally. Thanks be to Bob that my massage therapist has returned, Mama is In. Need.!

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ANNNNNNNDDDD...............as it turns out, two crappy things. Thing the first is that husband let me know last night (Thursday) that he has a meeting on Saturday at noon. Fortunately, I was able to reschedule for Monday, but she had texted and said that this will be my last massage with her as she is retiring for many reasons. I understand -- totally -- and had been thinking perhaps I should find someone closer to where I now live as I moved over the summer another 20 miles away. So in one way that is serendipitous, in another it's really sucky. Le sigh.

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Love the hands!!! LOVE!!!!

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I have barometer fingers too and henceforth I shall also stare into the distance and talk about bringing in the cattle.

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Excellent flair/flare.

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

One of life’s profound questions… why do we let cows be in the rain yet we cannot wear our leather jackets in the rain?

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I’m glad this will keep happening, and I have a question: are you wanting just paintings and drawings or ? I make upcycled art, so it would be 3-dimensional. I would love to send something if it works for you. ❤️

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Something small enough that I can easily fit everything in a shoe-box ideally. Can you do a tiny 3d art piece?

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I absolutely can 😁

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

OMG I *NEED* the arthritis flare/flair as a poster, please! I would pay cash money!

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Sep 3Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I love you, Jenny. I understand the arthritis flare. I get it and the migraine. I hope to upgrade to paid subscription this year. Money, money, money. *sigh*

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