Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Much like Frida Kahlo, whose birthday was July 6… “I do not paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.”

You are a treasure, keep going!

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I think the red is great. Wolves run in packs as we all know, so Jenny I think there are many of us right there beside you.

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Jul 9Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I love this image. It captures how I too feel sometimes. It also reminds me of the Italian expression “in bocca al lupo,” which literally means”into the mouth of the wolf.”. It is used to wish someone good luck, like “break a leg.”. The proper response is “crepi il lupo,” which means “may the wolf die.”

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Beautiful. This is a place I exist in more often than I'd like to. For me, it would have a pastel forest behind it and the teeth would drip with blood.

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Al boca del lupo.

I spend so much time here, the wolf thinks I should start helping with chores. I hope you get evicted from these jaws ("just when you thought it was safe to get in the water") soon, Jenny. Love and solidarity to you and everyone here.

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I feel this, as I’m being held captive by my broken body, now more than ever. Thank you.

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

This is one of the Substack newsletters I ALWAYS read. It never fails to deliver a kind of virtual hug.

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Thank you but honestly I have dislectia you see I can't even write it properly unless my phone fixes it😀😀😀😀😃 but thanks you but you could say I have the imagination but not the ortographe or grammaire or is it Grammer? Plus I am french does not help 😁😒

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Je peux entendre ta vérité même si les mots ne sont pas parfaits. Et je sais que mon français n'est pas parfait.

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

I super crazy love you too!

The jaws of fear can grip so tight. Your losing yourself in your art beyond how to make something pretty is vital (and relieving too, I bet)

Love and light to you and yours, Jenny 🌻💜 Thank you for giving us a hand to hold in the dark moments.

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

We super crazy love you too. Plus that picture is amazing.

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Love the image (and the accompanying words). I live there sometimes too, and would color it in with ashes.

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Jul 9Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

That is a powerful piece!!!! Keep on making ART no matter what! Yes, use art to get out your emotions as a release! Good job! We love you! Peace to you!

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Jul 9Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Thank you for the shared strength and your vulnerability and for doing the damn thing anyway. You looked whatever it was in the face and did it anyway. Courageous!! XO

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Jul 9Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Yes! It’s so powerful and right on! Pretty art is boring. Conceptional Art can connect us far better. I see what you see, feel what you feel, respond to your truth. Art is healing. 🥰

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

Wow. Thank God for that. Thank you for this.

🐺 ♥️

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Jul 8Liked by Jenny Lawson (thebloggess)

This made me tear up. My brain has been very mean to me lately and I feel so invisible and unliked. So I started drawing. Art is the best painkiller I know (and it’s bad chronic pain that has me so so vulnerable and raw). I do it obsessively now! Even more than when it was my job. Thank you for seeing me and reminding me my brain will get less sad and I’ll be ok.

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